Friday, May 27, 2011


By Shinju Oe

Now it was to Xenon's knowledge that his room mate, Abaven Shahe is a womanizer.  And yes, they have agreed to the rules regarding BRINGING HOME TAKE OUTS. RULE IS: No...NO TAKE OUTS in the ROOM!  Xenon muttered obscenities to himself while squatting just outside the door of his room... Someone is obviously HOME!  And it's not just Abaven.  He can hear a lady screaming... He covered his ears.


He winced, eyes twitching.  He has work to do and unfortunately...his laptop is INSIDE the room.  THE ROOM is where Abaven is...WITH SOMEONE....


A nerve twitched once more.  If he can't finish the project, he's bound to get fried by the doc.  And he'd rather DIE than get himself played with by Dr. TORTURE!!!  He stood up...suck in some air for resolve and knocked on the door.  "SHAHE!  I THINK WE HAVE TO TALK!!!"


With every word, Xenon's posture slouched.  He listened through the door and can feel the commotion inside the room.  God forbid all the things that comes to mind!  He took a step away from the door.  "I can't take this anymore!"  Blushing like a schoolgirl, he knocked once more...HARDER this time.  "HEY!  I THOUGHT WE'VE AGREED TO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!"

"Just a....AAAHHH!  TAKE THIS!"

A vein popped.  "NO WAY! GET OUT NOW OR I'M GOING TO KNOCK DOWN THIS DOOR!!!"  There is no reply.  "ABAVEN!?  GET YOUR LADY FRIEND DRESSED I'M BARGING IN NOW!!!"  Xenon destroyed the door and stumbled in.  He covered his eyes and stared at the floor.  "Whoever you are, lady...get out now."


It was Abaven's voice.  Xenon looked up to find his room mate on HIS and all with HIS slipper in hand.  "What is wrong with you?"  He looked about the room and found it in CHAOS.


The slipper flew to the other side of the room with a loud smack on the wall.  Xenon blinked.  "What the hell...?"

"DAMN!  I MISSED AGAIN!!!"  Abaven slowly walked to the slipper that landed in front of Xenon.  Just as he took it in his hand...the insect flew to his face.  "AAAAAHHHH! AAAAHHHH!!!!! AAAHHHH!!!"  He scampered and ended up jumping Xenon.

Xenon flinched at the sudden weight on him.  "AARGGH!"  He froze as Abaven clung like a terrified kid.  "What is wrong with you!?"

Abaven hiked up his legs and wrapped them around Xenon's.  "Save me!"  He pointed at the cockroach on the floor.

Xenon's vein popped once more.  Is this the reason he was detained outside his own room for HOURS?!?!?!  He threw Abaven to the floor.  "GET OF ME!!!!"



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